BLE LTER Physical Samples
At BLE LTER, we collect samples from Arctic lagoons and surrounding environments to extract valuable data. We are excited to partner with the University of Alaska Museum of the North to archive certain types of samples for future uses. Find information below on what is available and how to access these samples.
Specimen vouchers
To be archived at the University of Alaska Museum of the North
Exemplary specimen samples, primarily benthic invertebrates from each lagoon, are retained as "vouchers" so we can be confident in taxonomically classifying any similar critters. Once the first samples are archived with the Museum of the North, we will link to their discovery portal from this page. In the meantime, if you'd like to know more about our samples, please contact Susan Schonberg at The University of Texas at Austin, Marine Science Institute.
Pictured: scientist shows off an outstanding isopod sample.
Genetic materials
Housed at Oregon State University
After processing to extract genetic data, samples are saved for potential future reexamination. These vials require minus-80 freezing conditions to ensure their integrity.
Pictured: scientists collect lagoon water, some of which will be analyzed for genetic materials.
Soil cores
Housed at The University of Texas at El Paso
Soils analysis can tell us a lot about their composition and chemistry. After being analyzed, soil cores are retained for a time at UTEP facilities.
Pictured: BLE scientists examining coastal bluffs.